A rant about Blogger
I'm suddenly having to go through word verification before I can post to my own blog. Aaargh! This function appears to trip in after a certain number of blog posts - it's not on this one, for example, but my main blog evidently now warrants it.
And while I'm ranting, as this is rant corner ;-) I want to know why I appear to be buying a rampantly increasing amount of advertisments from my email host, AOL. I'm not going to click any of those links, I'm just likely to switch providers instead, so it's self-defeating greed on the part of AOL to try and con more money out of me in this way.
Anyone know of a good email provider who won't clutter up my screen with huge, annoying adverts? It has to be a user-friendly interface from a long-standing ISP.
Or maybe I'll stick with AOL as my ISP, because we need the unlimited download capacity, and just switch to using my google mail account.
And while I'm ranting, as this is rant corner ;-) I want to know why I appear to be buying a rampantly increasing amount of advertisments from my email host, AOL. I'm not going to click any of those links, I'm just likely to switch providers instead, so it's self-defeating greed on the part of AOL to try and con more money out of me in this way.
Anyone know of a good email provider who won't clutter up my screen with huge, annoying adverts? It has to be a user-friendly interface from a long-standing ISP.
Or maybe I'll stick with AOL as my ISP, because we need the unlimited download capacity, and just switch to using my google mail account.